Misijas projekti

Jaunieši seko Jēzum un ietekmē apkārtējos.

An open Bible displayed on a wooden table with a crucifix placed across its pages. The pages seem to be from the Gospel of John, and the setting suggests a serene and contemplative atmosphere.
An open Bible displayed on a wooden table with a crucifix placed across its pages. The pages seem to be from the Gospel of John, and the setting suggests a serene and contemplative atmosphere.
Grupu tikšanās

Mācāmies un dalāmies pieredzē kopā.

A large, illuminated word 'JESUS' is displayed prominently against a blue background. Silhouettes of people are seen in the foreground, suggesting a gathering or event.
A large, illuminated word 'JESUS' is displayed prominently against a blue background. Silhouettes of people are seen in the foreground, suggesting a gathering or event.

Personīga attiecību veidošana ar Dievu.

A group of young people, mostly wearing blue and black uniforms, are gathered outdoors. They are sitting and standing on a sandy area surrounded by trees. Some individuals are holding papers, suggesting a group activity or discussion. Nearby, there are blue and yellow buildings and a metal shelter with more people sitting underneath.
A group of young people, mostly wearing blue and black uniforms, are gathered outdoors. They are sitting and standing on a sandy area surrounded by trees. Some individuals are holding papers, suggesting a group activity or discussion. Nearby, there are blue and yellow buildings and a metal shelter with more people sitting underneath.
Wooden letter tiles are arranged on a flat surface to form the words 'JOHN THREE SIXTEEN'. The tiles appear to be from a board game, similar to Scrabble.
Wooden letter tiles are arranged on a flat surface to form the words 'JOHN THREE SIXTEEN'. The tiles appear to be from a board game, similar to Scrabble.
Misijas braucieni

Ietekmējam citus, sekojot Jēzum Kristum.

Exodus weekends

Iedvesmojoši pasākumi jauniešiem un vadītājiem.

Foto galerija

Attīstām ticību un māceklību caur grupām un misijām.

Mūsu misija - jauniešu attīstība

Exodus Latvija ir kristīga organizācija, kas strādā ar jauniešiem, stiprinot ticību un palīdzot viņiem kļūt par drosmīgiem mācekļiem Jēzus Kristus sekotājiem.

A folded yellow hoodie with a design reading 'COME THRU JESUS' in large, bold yellow letters on a black background. A blue tag attached to the hoodie reads 'FRESH HOPE APPAREL'. The hoodie is placed on a wooden surface.
A folded yellow hoodie with a design reading 'COME THRU JESUS' in large, bold yellow letters on a black background. A blue tag attached to the hoodie reads 'FRESH HOPE APPAREL'. The hoodie is placed on a wooden surface.
Mūsu mērķis
Mūsu programma

Mēs piedāvājam efektīvu jauniešu programmu, kas ietver grupas tikšanās, mentorings un misijas braucienus, lai attīstītu māceklību un ietekmētu sabiedrību.